Housing Union denounces the "irresponsibility" of the City of Vitoria-Gasteiz for evictions of Prado 4 street
  • Last week three families were evicted without warning. The union denounces that neighbors are without "real alternatives."
Irati Irazusta Jauregi 2023ko irailaren 20a
Apirilean salatu zuten Prado 4ko bizilagunak argirik, urik eta erroldarik gabe zeudela. (Argazkia: Etxebizitza Sindikatua)

On Tuesday, the Vitoria-Gasteiz Housing Union held a press conference with the City Hall of Vitoria-Gasteiz. He denounces the municipal "irresponsibility" for the evictions of Calle Prado 4. Last Monday three families were evicted, including six children. Of the houses that sent them without notification.

A network of fake rental contracts and censuses deceived the neighbors and in April denounced the lack of water, electricity and registration.

Housing indicates the performance of social services. According to him, "long ago" they knew the situation of the neighbors of Calle Prado 4, who had been at home and the union members have met on several occasions with social services, in meetings with the neighbors. "Until it was late, they didn't offer alternatives." They also denounce that the alternative offered is not "real", but provisional, and should be extended weekly.

They have also denounced the actions of the courts, which knew that vulnerable families lived there, because they did not contact social services to stop eviction.

Social services in Vitoria-Gasteiz announced this week the opening of a eviction prevention office to provide information, advice and prevention. The union understands that this will not interrupt evictions and does not guarantee that evicted families and people will get alternatives. "In short, this new office has the function of counteracting the conflict generated by the thousands of evictions that are to come, rather than paralysing evictions or offering alternatives."

Before bourgeois institutions, without protection

The Housing Union stresses that these evictions have also shown that the proletariat is "totally unprotected" against "bourgeois institutions". "On the one hand, the institutions defend the interests of the owners by executing evictions with the police forces. On the other hand, they violate the political rights of the proletariat".