When there is no will to make housing policies
Ainhoa Etxaide Amorrortu 2023ko apirilaren 24a
Iñigo Urkullu EAEko lehendakaria Etxebizitza Lege berria kritikatu du Eusko Legebiltzarrean. Argazkia: Irekia CC BY-SA

The State Housing Act, which puts a stop to rental abuses and opens up new possibilities for public policies in the area of housing, can be a fruitful instrument for those who want to deal with the massacre created by the market law, in force for decades. There is its essence: it creates opportunities, but without ensuring that the situation changes. The key to opening doors to decent housing is not in the law, but in its development.

The road has only just begun. What is a political agreement, it must now be converted into law to establish a general framework. The governments of each community will then set their own frameworks, announce that the Basque Government and the Government of Navarre will study it carefully. And for the law to become a policy, the housing departments will present their plans, to set the regulations by municipalities… For the moment, the Housing Advisor of the Government Iñaki Arriola has positioned himself in this phase, and says he will analyze the extent of the municipal tension. The data are known and has been one of the most responsible for this tension in the last legislature.

We have heard the first assessments of the agreement. He has, of course, been applauded, criticised or looked at remotely. But if we continue the struggle for the right to housing, as well as valuing it, we have to begin to analyze how to influence the political decisions that are about to be taken. The key is the ability to force political decisions when there is no political will. We are back nuts if we do not decide to fight for the right to housing in a “new” framework.