Housing has been occupied in Biarritz to report that several owners are infringing the compensation measure
  • On Monday morning they entered the house and 24 Alda militants claimed indefinite occupation. It opposes the law that entered into force on 1 March 2023 and advocates the regularization of this housing.
Aitor Gurrutxaga Muñagorri 2023ko ekainaren 19a
Etxebizitzaren argazkia / Argazkia: Ekhi Erremundegi

The Alda association enters an apartment in Biarritz and claims its office. According to entrepreneurs, some owners are violating the compensation rule, as they are proposing tourist rentals with a false identification number. They explain that there are hundreds of homes in the same situation. They invite citizens to approach Tuesday afternoon to “speak and inform” them.

After the occupation, the homeowner comes up with a gas bomb to cry and attacks an Alda militant, explains Ekhi Erremunerdegi. The police have also approached, and instead of identifying the owner, they have identified the militants. According to Alda, Txetx Etxeberria: "Everyone is equal before the law." Ask the police why they have not identified the owner, who has carried out the illegal activity.