Hundreds of citizens report sexual assault on a Etxebarri woman
  • The concentration was held on Sunday at 17:00 in Enbelts Square, convened by the San Antonio Festival Commission, the txosnas and the Etxebarri City Hall. The machista attack took place on Saturday morning.
Manex Usarralde Garmendia 2024ko ekainaren 10
Etxebarrin egindako elkarretaratzea. Argazkia: EITB

He denounced the male attack of a woman on the first day of the Etxebarri festivities. The Ertzaintza has launched the investigation, but has not stopped anyone, according to the Lakua Department of Security.

The City Hall of Etxebarri said on social networks that after what happened he launched a protocol against the assaults. That is why the Saturday night programme was suspended. In addition, he noted the following: “Our festivities are meeting and fun spaces in which all the people who visit it are welcome, respecting coexistence and freedom. But if someone comes with other intentions, they will not be welcomed.”