During the time the initiative lasts, every morning you will be on the social networks of Euskaraldia: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter), the channels Ahobizi and Belarriprest Telegram and the Euskaraldia website will be made known through short videos and messages the guidelines for socializing and participating in the Etxeatik Euskaraldira initiative. The first message, a kind of presentation, will be published on 20 April. A proposal for reflection on linguistic habits in the Basque Country will be published between 21 and 23 April. Seven proposals for ideas will be published from 24 to 30 April, based on current and customary situations. The initiative will conclude with a joint event to be held on 3 May.
Euskaraldia will encourage all those who wish to participate to introduce the videos or photographs that have been made during the initiative with the hashtag Etxeatik Euskaraldira and mentioning @euskaraldia.
In the windows and balconies of the houses, all participants will also be asked to put a color point to manifest their participation in the initiative.