Azora putre fund buys bus stations from San Sebastian and Bilbao
  • The Azora putre fund is known for having violated the right to housing and for dedicating itself to speculation, especially in San Sebastian; there is a platform created against it: the Tenants of Azora.
Gorka Peñagarikano Goikoetxea 2023ko urtarrilaren 10
Bilboko Intermodal geltokia erosi du etxe kaleratze asko egiten dituen Azora putre funtsak. (Argazkia: Xabier / Wikipediatik hartua)

The purchase of the San Sebastian bus station was made last July by the Azora putre fund, with about 8,000 and 10,000 users a day, and it has recently been known that it has purchased the Amenabar Group 51% of the participation of the Intermodal Centre in Bilbao. The Bilbao bus station, formerly Termibus, has twice as many daily users as San Sebastian, but also offers commuter trains from Renfe, Bilbao metro and tram access.

Author of many evictions

Only two months back to remember Azora's eviction. In the Donostiarra neighborhood of Gros, the platform against the fund, called the Tenant of Azora, denounced the demolition of some neighbors by the Ertzaintza. They have repeatedly denounced that the Azora fund owns many homes and that for months it has been throwing its neighbours out of their homes. In these events at the beginning of November, several neighbours approached to denounce the support and dismissal of the family; despite the peaceful attitude of the citizens, Irutxuloko Hitzak reported that the Ertzaintza responded by beating the blurry. Responding to the networks, the City Hall of Donostia-San Sebastian alerted the company about the "incompetence" of turning the homes of its property into "tourist apartments".

Previously, in February 2022, the Azora Tenants, STOP Evictions and New Rental Sales managed to cancel an expropriation of the Azora vulture. However, the issue is already here: in 2020, members of the Azoraren Maizterrak movement announced by press conference that the vulture fund is being fired monthly. In fact, they have denounced that rental prices increase very frequently and that the notification is made only by a bureaucracy.