Etxahun Lekue wins Galdakao semi-final at the Bertsolaris Championship in Bizkaia
  • The Galdakao sports club has hosted the second semi-final of the Bertsolaris Championship in Bizkaia; the Larrabetzu bertsolari has been ranked for the final. @bertsozale 2021eko azaroaren 29a
Etxahun Lekuek finalerako txartela lortu du. Argazkia:

More than 600 people have met at the Galdakao sports club, which has been filled with fans and fans on 27 November. With the enhanced security measures, the bertsolaris have been encouraged and made the most successful decisions. The following have sung:

Aitor Bizkarra Ruiz

Aitor Etxebarriazarraga Gabiola

Etxahun Lekue Etxebarria

Josune Aramendi Perez

Oihana Bartra Arenas

Xabat Galletebeitia Abaroa

After performing all the punctual work, Etxahun Lekue has added the most points, 547.5 points. The bertsolari of Larrabetzu has therefore won the pass for the final to be held on 18 December in Bilbao. That’s how today’s scores remained:

Etxahun Lekue Etxebarria....................547.5

Aitor Bizkarra Ruiz...............................................................................

Xabat Galletebeitia Abaroa................524.5

Aitor Etxebarriazarraga Gabiola..........520.5

Oihana Bartra Arenas...............................504

Josune Aramendi Perez...................463.5

IGOR Menika Bengoetxea has been in charge of giving subjects to bertsolaris. The jury was composed of Alaitz Etxanobe Bereziartua, Ander Arrien Aspiazu, Ander Txakartegi Basterretxea, Graxi Arrangi Leonardo, Joseba Santxo Uriarte and Miriam Juaristi Urizar. Itziar Basterretxea Olarraga has carried out the secretarial work.