The End of the Coming World
  • The destruction or fall of our industrial civilization is increasingly becoming a close and real threat in recent times. This thesis also says that a new science is produced in many fields: collapse. Is everything lost or is there still a way to save it?
Jakes Bortayrou 2018ko azaroaren 27a
Argazkia: @EnbataInfo

Regularly and almost every week, scientific studies document the processes that are accelerating: climate change, reduced biodiversity, increased acidity of the seas, depletion of natural resources, etc. Based on them, the collapses announce a fall, already begun and inevitable. Books, conferences, performances and articles have multiplied in recent months and the spokespersons for the thesis have been successful in the media. Criticism and debates have woken up, because often this thesis is situated outside of any subordination relationship, regardless of the fundamental dichotomy that defeats/loses capitalism. In fact, this prospect of disaster gives credibility to the repeated harsh weather events, the inertia of the socio-economic system in the face of threats, the indifference of Governments and the fact that Minister Hulot himself resigns without hair in his mouth. For example, since the signing of the COP 21 agreement in Paris three years ago, GHG production has continued to rise, surpassing a record in 2017 (+3.7%). It is therefore no more a question of how to manage climate change or how to regulate only globalisation, but of when and how the downfall of the Western economic system can be hypothesized.

Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders

However, as the thesis of the catastrophe gains strength, the disorders also intensify. Some people talk about the sudden disappearance of human beings, that science-fiction has worked long ago, but that it has become with great force in novels, films or television series. It has a huge impact on the collective imagination and some underline the worrying political consequences that may arise: spreading social anxiety, feeding the violent political tendencies, lowering the path to the eco-dictates and, ultimately, ending any political thought. Because with such a perspective, nothing is already important. All struggles and resistances are negligible. Impotence and demobilization are the hallmarks of each. Although discharge is undeniable from many points of view that we have begun the path of catastrophe, there are some who insist on the need to define and think well the process. The politician Yves Cochet, for example, says that the fall is the end of a process and that the basic needs (water, food, housing, energy, clothing..) have not been given more at a reasonable price and through services established by law.

Subsidized Production Model

This definition excludes ghosts and images from the apocalypse and incorporates the parameters of the economic and socio-political system into the strict laws of nature. In Alabaina, the essentialist conceptions, instead of blaming the human nature of the fall, place the center of the problem of capitalism and its model of productive and consumerist development, which has been created, strengthened and dominated five centuries ago. Similarly, the disasters of some systems that have occurred throughout human history show that the incidence and consequences of the ecological crisis can never be understood apart from the relations of strength between the different social groups. This definition also shows that falling is, above all, the problem of the rich countries of the planet. How many thousands of men already exist in the world? Do we not have a close example of a catastrophe with which financial capitalism has had repercussions on the Greek people since 2010? The perspective changes altogether. Economic laws are not natural. They are the result of political relations of force. The imaginary, the tendencies, the structures created by the capitalist system are the ones that must be overcome. Some say that the fall that comes can be as much as a threat.

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