Irun and Hendaia call for "urgent measures" to ensure the security of immigrants
  • Hundreds of people have concentrated on the Irun Reception Network, in a concentration set by Diakite, Etorkinekin and Elkartasuna Larrun. The corpse of the immigrant from Côte d’Ivoire was found on Saturday in Bidasoa, the seventh migrant who died in what goes on this year when crossing the border – there may be more, but there are seven bodies caught.
Jenofa Berhokoirigoin @Jenofa_B 2021eko azaroaren 23a
Elkarretaratzea Irun eta Hendaia artean (argazkia: @aierrazkin)

Hundreds of people have met this 22 November, between Irun and Hendaia, in memory and tribute to the deceased in Bidasoa. It is this year’s seventh migrant who loses his life by crossing the border, leaving no trace of the police, at least there may be more, but there are seven bodies caught: four have died in that river or in their vicinity and three have been hit in Ziburu.

Call to the institutions: assume your responsibilities

"To the south, Bidasoa kills him; to the north, the railways," according to the organizers of the event. In order to put an end to these accidents, public institutions on both sides of the Bidasoa are urged to take measures that will at least make the journey to Baiona safe. The host groups of Ipar Euskal Herria have appealed to the President of the Commonwealth of Iparralde and to the elected representatives of the peoples through which migrants cross. From the Irun Reception Network, they have asked local institutions to offer a "dignified" welcome to immigrants. For example, let the Red Cross pay attention to all immigrants in Irun, and that without leaving anyone on the street.

The concentration ended by singing the Bird Bird.