And we turn in the middle of the spiral.
Iñigo Basaguren-Duarte @inigob_d 2023ko uztailaren 20a
Deep Reynols. Bilboko Espora Espazioan, ekainaren 29an.

Chihuaha is a dog placed in front of a TV. A film by actor Burt Reynolds, who has stepped the remote, appears on the screen. The random election named the Argentine musical group Reynols, who just turned 30. Random choices or hidden hands of the goddess of chaos Eris. Chaos has marked the path of the group. We thought the universe could be predicted, but the writer John Higgs talked about that idea dying in the 20th century. The complexity of the universe cannot be explained by simple laws, which are sometimes not complied with. This was made clear by Miguel Tomasin, founder of the Reynols group, which is what leads him to live his artistic creation. That is why the music of the Argentine group is unclassifiable. According to Tomasin: "We are the best team in this world and all worlds. We're a very bad band."

The group just turned 30 in 2023 and it's hard to look back, because the universe they've created is so giant. Wonderful sonic universe guided by chaos. As an activity of rapprochement, they have organized a travelling exhibition that can be seen in the Basque Country since May. In the Sporadic Space of Bilbao, where not. The exhibition has gathered photographs, posters and material extracted from the press and decorated the walls of space for a few months. In parallel, numerous activities have been organized such as Searching for Reynols (2004), Sinti Botuva Tapes (2018) and Acid Mothers Reynols: Issue of documentaries Live and Beyond (2020). At the end of the exhibition a special event was organised: A collective hearing Deep Listening, axis of the nature of the spore. This was special, I needed it, and we heard six records (yes, six) at the same time. Six discs from different sources strategically placed.

In the midst of the spiral of chaos, we put together a group of friends in circle chairs. That had to be our space, which would take us through the chaotic universe of Reynols. Kiko Monzón was the one who led the journey and his work with a lot of mime shaped the chaos. Although we expected a ball of sound and unbearable noise, the measured union of the six albums generated beautiful melodies and at many times seemed to be listening from a single song or source, as if the six speakers were emitting a single piece. Like a militarily organized sabotage by a sonic guerrilla.

And there we were, enjoying in the middle of the spiral, writing about what we felt, traveling with our eyes closed, attacking the beautiful, fascinating chaos.