And when they showed the contract of the Gloucester incinerator ... 100 million pounds more expensive
  • In June of last year, a young man went on a 15-day hunger strike in Gloucester, United Kingdom, to require the authorities to show the total contract of the incinerator Javelin Park they are building there. When it was published at Christmas, it came as a surprise: it is going to cost the citizens 30% more than what has been said so far. Protests have multiplied and some politicians have begun to demand the implementation of an independent audit.
Zero Zabor @zero_zabor 2019ko urtarrilaren 08a
Urbaser hilabeteotan ari da bukatzen Javelin Park erraustegiaren eraikuntza, Gloucesterren. (Argazkia: Mark Watkins, Gloucestershire Live)n

Sid Saunders had reason to keep the hunger strike for fifteen days before the Gloucester City Hall, insisting that the authorities display the contract: after a long month of shooting, they have finally shown the papers and among them it has appeared that the contract to which they have so far referred – signed in 2015 and hitherto kept secret – is much more expensive than has been said: Costs of £500 million (EUR 557.5 million) have risen from EUR 600 million (EUR 669 million) to the highest. The paper had been done by Ernst & Young's office. The contract of the incinerator Javelin Park is owned by Urbaserri, the company that has the incinerator of Gipuzkoa

As the scandal continues to spread, several ediles in Gloucester have begun to complain that they had voted for misinformation, that they have also deceived as all citizens and that they have asked for an independent audit of what is going on. The owner of the chronicle offered by the media Gloucestershire Live says: "Javelin Park incinerator: Opposition councillors have called for an independent investigation into the cost increase." Gazette continued to say: "Politicians want answers on the scandalous £600 million cost of the Zubieta incinerator."

Demonstration on Gloucester Street to request the suspension of the incinerator's contract. (Photo: Gazette)

As you can read in the chronicles, you also begin to talk about the famous Javelin Park incinerator in Britain, with problems similar to those of other incinerators. Firstly, the municipalities of Gloucester and its district will be taxed for years. Then, because the actual costs are higher than those mentioned and, consequently, for other public administration programmes – schools, social policies… – this waste management service leaves less money than the declared, as the tonnage sent to burn will cost a lot more expensive: £189 per tonne. It is also untrue that smoking was cheaper than alternative waste treatment. And finally, Gloucester forces us to undo the policies organized to make better use of the waste generated, as it cannot allow less waste to be burned to balance the incinerator’s accounts.

The association against the incinerator NoMoInGlo (No Monster Incinerator in Gloucester) has called for today, Tuesday, 8 January, a protest rally at the door of the Javelin Park building.

In the call, under the motto "Money to Roast," from Charles Dickens' famous tale, Scrooge says: "The environment? Huh... nonsense! Services for children? Huh... nonsense! Finally give me the project of a nice and fat business...

2019-01-10, updatedn.La association NoMoInGlo (No Monster Incinerator in Gloucester) has in video summarized in his Facebook account the protest of January 8.

Punchline TV has offered the following pictures of the protest: