State budget corrections: large infrastructures awarded by the PNV and the PP
  • The PNV and the PP have reached a budgetary agreement to allocate 25 million euros from the national budgets to Álava, Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa and Navarre in 2018, another 24.5 million euros for 2019 and 14.5 million euros for 2020. In total, 64 million euros. Most of the money will go to AVE works, port works and research development.
ARGIA @argia 2018ko maiatzaren 17a

EUR 5.5 million will go to Cidetec Technology Park and EUR 3.5 million to Foronda Airport. The agreement also includes the allocation of 18 million to the treatment plant in Galindo (Sestao) and 9 million to the Ribera de Loyola railway.

What the two parties agreed in April will be added to the agreement at a later date: Increase in pensions by CPI in 2019.

The amendments tabled by all the groups will be debated and put to the vote this week.