The Foral Government of Navarra will carry out an act of recognition for victims of state violence
  • The act of recognition of victims of state and extreme right violence will be held in Baluarte on 30 May. This is the first public act of this kind to specific victims, to be developed under the 2019 Law.
Euskalerria irratia @fm983irratia Juan Kruz Lakasta Zubero 2024ko maiatzaren 17a
2017ko omenaldiko une bat. (Argazkia: Nafarroako Gobernua)

A total of twelve victims will be recognized, including Mikel Zabascene and Mikel Arrangi. In 2017 the Foral Government held a similar act, but had to make a generic recognition, without citing concrete victims, for the obstacles imposed by the Spanish Constitutional Court.

According to the press release issued by the Government of Navarra, the act of recognition will be “from an integral perspective, without equivalence or dilution”. The event will be chaired by the Council of Memory and Coexistence and the First Vice-President, Ana Ollo, and will involve, among others, the thinker member of the Gogoa Forum, Guillermo Mugika.