A man who seriously injured a woman in Ziburu is imprisoned
  • The man beat the woman in the head and assaulted her with ten stab wounds in the face. After being brought to justice, he has been imprisoned for attempted murder. The woman, who has serious injuries, is out of danger, according to the same sources.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko abuztuaren 25a
Feminizidioen aurkako elkarretaratze bat (Argazkia: EITBren bideo bateko fotograma)

The man who committed the attack has declared to the Baiona Court of Justice, and the judge has ordered his imprisonment. He is accused of attempted murder to the extent of attempted murder.

The aggression took place on Friday, 20 August, in the centre of the Biscay capital. The 23-year-old man attacked the 40-year-old woman in the village of Ziburu with a knife. The aggressor pulled up at the height of the house and, as soon as he left the car, struck the woman in the head, who entered the house and assaulted him ten stabbed with a knife he had caught from the kitchen. The neighbors observed the aggressor by taking a knife out of his house and alerted the police, who informed him of what happened. The French police were looking for him until he was arrested on 22 August last in the same town of Ziburu, the Security Department has reported. The first investigations have found no link between the aggressor and the assaulted, who have already been arrested.

The woman has been seriously injured by the aggression, according to the same sources. The toilets transferred him to the Belharra clinic in Baiona, where he was admitted, after finding a wounded man at his home. According to the doctors, despite the serious injuries he suffered, the injured person is out of harm's way.