The Vice-President of Parliament is imprisoned by Qatar
  • Eva Kaili, former President of the European Parliament, Pier Antonio Pancé and two other people are in jail on charges of corruption. The Qatar dictatorship buys the Social Democratic Vice-President of the European Parliament and gives him money to justify his image in the European Union, according to a Belgian judge.
Leire Artola Arin 2022ko abenduaren 13a
Eva Kaili europarlamentuko presidenteordea eta Qatarko Lan ministroa. / Argazkia: Reuters.

A Belgian judge raises corruption in the European Parliament and orders that four people be imprisoned on Sunday: Eva Kaili, Socialist Vice-President of the Greek Parliament, Pier Antonio Panzeri, former President of the Chamber, Francesco Giorgi, Kaili's colleague and European Parliament adviser, and another person from Brussels who has not given his name. Accused of accepting the bribery of Qatar, they are accused of being part of a criminal organisation, of money laundering, of the corruption that links Qatar and the European Parliament, among other things. Qatar denies it.

In addition, two more people were arrested on Friday. One was Kaili's father, he was arrested on leakage with EUR 600,000 in one exchange and the other was Luca Visentini, general secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation. Both are released from conditions by the judge. In the exploration of the house of Kaili in Brussels, another 150,000 euros were found in bags, according to Naiz, through the Greeks as a source.

The President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, warned that “open, free and democratic European societies are in attack”, according to the BBC media. Kaili is suspended from office and Metsola insists that they will not accept corruption and work with the police.

What has he done to bleach Qatar?

Two weeks before the arrest of Social Democrat Eva Kaili in the Strasbourg assembly, El Diario, spoke in favour of Qatar. “Qatar is at the forefront of labour rights, including in improving wages, although European companies do not respect these rights,” he said. Human and labour rights that had been violated by football that moves so much money were discussed in this assembly. And the MEPs decided that Qatar should open an investigation to clarify the deaths of workers.

Kaili replied: “The Qatar World Cup shows how sports diplomacy achieves the historic transformation of a country with innovations that inspire the Arab world.” I only had flowers for the buttons in Qatar, saying they are “good business negotiators,” “good neighbors, good partners.”

Caught up in the bribery, you will now have to see how your immunity as a Member of Parliament influences the trial.