Two Pro Amnesty Movement activists detained in prison on Monday
  • The arrests were carried out in Usansolo (Galdakao, Bizkaia) and Ibarrangelu (Bizkaia), and the National Hearing accuses them of the crimes of damage, "the destruction of terrorism" and "cooperation with armed bands".
Gedar @GedarLangileKZ 2020ko azaroaren 18a
Atxilotuak askatzeko eskatuz eta gose greban den Iñaki Bilbao presoarekin elkartasunez aste honetan Bilbon egindako manifestazioa (argazkia: Amnistiaren Aldeko eta Errepresioaren Aurkako Mugimendua).

Judge of the José de la Mata National Court has sent the two members of the Pro Amnesty and Anti-Repression Movement (AAEAM) detained last Monday to prison. The arrests took place in Usansolo (Galdakao) and Ibarrangelu (Bizkaia). The Ertzaintza also registered their homes.

According to news agencies, the two members of the AAEAM are charged with various crimes of damage, "alteination of terrorism" and "collaboration with armed bands".