Requests for imprisonment and expulsion for a worker from Huerta de Peralta
  • The Prosecutor's Office has asked for two and a half years of imprisonment and five years of expulsion from the Spanish State against a worker who participated in the Huerta de Peralta strike.
Iñaut Gonzalez de Matauko Rada @inautogdm 2019ko ekainaren 04a
Jagoba Manterola (Foku)

In addition to this request for imprisonment and expulsion, the LAB union has denounced that it has received more than 30 fines, which amount to more than EUR 5,000, and that a member of the union will be tried on 2 July with a request for a fine of EUR 2,800.

On 26 December last, the workers of the company Huerta de Peralta began an indefinite strike, as, among other things, they laid off four workers linked to the LAB trade union. The strike lasted for 28 days, until an agreement was reached. This agreement resulted in the company paying the workers 70% of the EUR 440,000 owed and accepting two out of four redundant workers.

To denounce this “union persecution”, the union held an open assembly last Monday in the Plaza del Castillo de Iruñea. It denounced the persecution being suffered by La Sangiovesa and Huerta de Peralta, as legal proceedings have been opened for two members of the union.