Members of the anti-speculation group block a store in San Juan de Luz
  • They have sold the house Olha de Senpere, but the fight against speculation continues in that country. On Tuesday, the Maison Adam store in San Juan de Luz was blocked because its owners bought the house for 1.3 million euros. About 30 people have participated in the activity.
Ilargi Manzanares 2023ko abuztuaren 16a
Donibane Lohizunen okupatutako denda. Argazkia: Ostia sarea.

The members of the group created by the farmers union ELB, the Lurzaindia association, the Ostia network and the senperos to denounce the speculation occupied the Olha house on June 27. On 2 August they were able to sell the house for 1.3 million and protested at the notary on the same day.

The buyer takes the Maison Adam store in San Juan de Luz, and on Tuesday they have occupied that trade and blocked the three entries in protest against speculation. They say they have done this action “to denounce the sale” and “in defense of the land”. “Anyone can be a victim of speculation,” they report.

The Irigoien lawsuit, Jean-Francois, approaches the point of sale and reports on the Olha conflict, but does not help to protest. The police have also been present.

Some neighbors and customers ask them to complete the mobilization, but store owners seem not. “Many citizens agree with us but others have become angry, have claimed their freedom to buy,” said an activist.