Create an anti-speculation collective in Luhuso
  • Atxi has created the Luhuso collective to respond to the new housing construction project in the municipality.
Ilargi Manzanares 2023ko uztailaren 27a
Argazkia: Xirikando.

On Monday the birth of the anti-speculation collective Atxik Luhuso has been announced, through a document that they have disseminated on social networks.

The collective states the following: “We are not going to allow Luhuso to become a village of ‘lecho’ or ‘bakantza’, we are not going to allow its young people not to live in the village, in conditions of housing shortages at an acceptable price.”

The 38 housing construction project has encouraged the creation of the group. The housing lots offered are destined for sale between 250 and 300 euros per square meter, three times more than the cost of the house built in the municipality.

Citizens wishing to participate in the project can send an email to or sign the collective request through