Saturday meet against speculation in nine locations in Iparralde
  • The neighborhood collective in Ostia has called their appointments for July 15. In addition to denouncing the situation, it will be an initiative to challenge the elected representatives. In Bizkitarte, the occupation of Senpere is ahead of seventeen days.  
Jenofa Berhokoirigoin @Jenofa_B 2023ko uztailaren 12a
Senpereko etxea okupatzen hasi ziren ekainaren 27an, ondasun hori 1,3 milioi eurotan erosgai delako. Argazkia: Ostia

The Ostia collective was created in Arbona in 2021, in the occupation to denounce speculation on farmland. Since then, several popular protests have been carried out for land and housing speculation in Iparralde. These dynamics will be held on 15 July. In fact, Ostia has established concentrations in nine locations: Ahtzen (Larrea Luzea, 11:00); Aiherran (10:30); Biarritz (Agilerra 10:30); Kanbo (Marienia 11:00); Saran (09:00) and Maulen (11:00).

They will be quotes to "reject soil artificialization and defend its cultivation function". Likewise, the group will demand that housing be for the popular class, spreading a message against the second homes.

They call for measures to address this problem to both the local centres and the elected officials of the Basque Urban College: "That they use all the instruments they have or can create in their hand to protect soil and housing from market laws."

Before the occupation of Senpers

The occupation began on 27 June in Senpe. With the occupation initiated by the Lurzaindia foundation, the ELB syndicate, the Ostia collective and a group of senperos, it is intended to stop the speculative sale of land for housing and cultivation. At the moment, the situation is still blocked and the buyer, owner of the prestigious company Adam Makarroi of San Juan de Luz, has not shown a desire to lower the price.

A house in poor condition, seven hectares of farmland, a two-hectare lagoon and a large forestry area are sold for EUR 1.3 million. Since then there have been people, day and night, and they are still determined to be there until agreement is reached. "From the beginning, we gather peasants and not growers, it is interesting," explains Martín Lemaire, farmer of Lurzaindia. Every day they meet in assemblies to decide the sequence of the struggle.