Late Spanish
Asier Fernández de Truchuelo 2024ko ekainaren 27a

If Valeria Vitella, who 2000 years ago offered an altar stone to the Basque goddess Larrahe, raised his head and found himself face to face with Alberto Santana, what would he say? Surely something like this: "What are you talking about?"

First of all, let us look at it. As a historian, better narrative account, he resurrected the hypothesis of late Euskaldunization or vasconization that had already been ruled out by the scientific community. With the same historical precision (none) it could have given the theory of tubalism good or, according to Genesis, confirmed that the Basque Autonomous Community was created on the third day. Oh my God! That's how it goes.

With the names we are the same, in chaos: the nickname of the Basque Country has long been used to refer to the autonomous community (formed only by the three Spanish provinces). In any case, I find it much more serious and unacceptable that a Spanish autonomy should be called Euzkadi or the Basque Country.

Is it an idea of its own, or is the Basque Television and the government that obeys it in a trap, like a Trojan horse, by the destruction of the Basque Country and by the Spanish Basques?

The same has happened with citizenship, as if a spell had been committed and, in a tic tac, the only "Basques", "Euskotaranos" or, what is more serious, the Basques are the inhabitants of the CAV, although they do not know a single word in Euskera and have no connection with Euskal Herria.

Although it may seem strange, these unfounded attacks do not come from Spain, but from the hand of EITB. Precisely because of the television we pay among the population of the “Basque Country”.

It's crazy! Is it an idea of its own, or is the Basque Television and the government that obeys it in a trap, like a Trojan horse, by the destruction of the Basque Country and by the Spanish Basques?

We hope that after an evening and playing half-hearted it will be nothing more than a bad joke that threw a bucket on it.

Thanks to His Serene Highness! The archaeological findings that have multiplied in recent years have exceeded all these hypotheses, at the service of who knows whom.

That is the case!