The PSOE and pp close the door to investigate González saying the GAL "is already tried" in the Spanish Senate
  • On the pretext that it is "investigated and tried", the PSOE and pp have joined together to block the investigation of the GAL and Felipe González.
Mikel Eizagirre 2020ko uztailaren 01
Felipe González GALekin lotzen zuen CIAren dokumentu argitaratu berriek ekarri dute estatu-terrorismoaren gaia berriro ere aktualitatearen lehen lerrora.

The PSOE and pp have refused to process the GAL investigation in the Spanish Senate. Last week the same was done in Congress, when the request to investigate the links of former Spanish Government President Felipe González with the LAGs was presented. The issue returned to the public debate through a declassified CIA report.

The two parties have agreed that the matter will be discussed in the plenary of the Senate. In his opinion, the facts that are intended to be investigated “are far away” and in their day were “judged and resolved”. The arguments put forward have been that the Senate itself launched a committee of inquiry into the LAGs in the Basque Country in 1995. This commission did not carry out its investigative duties, as Lieutenant General Saenz of Santa Maria launched the threat of “telling the truth”. As a result, pp had to suspend all investigations in this case.

Concerning the GAL trials, in the Spanish State only two cases were brought before the courts: Second Marey and Lasa and Zabala. In these trials, Felipe González was not investigated for organizing the activity of the terrorist organization. The proposal, rejected on July 1, has been signed by 36 senators of PNV, ERC, EH Bildu, JxCAT and Ezker Confederal, who have called for "transparency" around the GAL, because "there are still many things to explore".