Athletes and clubs that renounce the calls of the Spanish selection will be sanctioned by the new Sports Law
  • On Thursday afternoon the law will be passed in the Congress of Deputies. The sportsman who previously refused to compete with the Spanish National Team was already condemned, but the new law will also apply to clubs. It can lead to the loss of the federal licence for two and fifteen years.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko azaroaren 03a
Kirol Lege berriak zigorrak ezarriko ditu Espainiako selekzioarekin jokatzeari uko egiten dionari / Argazkia: Euskal Herria Kirola

On Thursday afternoon it is planned to adopt the new Sport Act in the Congress of Deputies. A hidden end of the law has been revealed in his morning debate: The new Sports Law will prevent sanctions in case of refusal to play with the Spanish team. Specifically, 98. The article describes as “very serious infringement” both the decision of the athlete himself not to play with the national team and the refusal of sports clubs to their components.

As Naiz has stated, so far the law provided for sanctions for athletes, the new law also puts clubs in the spotlight. According to the law to be voted on Thursday, fines can range from EUR 3,000 to EUR 30,000. Clubs may also suspend professional sports licences for two to fifteen years.

The proposal for this new Sport Law has already provoked previous debates. The PNV made an amendment whereby the selections of the Spanish Autonomous Communities will be able to compete internationally in the traditional sports and/or long historical activity of each community. At CAPV, they could do it in ball and surf. While for some parties and sportsmen it is a step forward, for others it is incomprehensible to limit the change to certain sports modalities.

Mertxe Aizpurua, a EH Bildu parliamentarian, made it clear on Thursday morning that his party will abstain in the afternoon decision. He explains that although they initially took the law with hope, they cannot vote in favour by seeing their intrigues. He points out that the fact that the regional selections have the opportunity only in a few sports does not cover the demand of the Basque Country for long years. On the other hand, he says that playing with national selection must be a right of athletes, and that instead the law forces one and one to compete with a fine.