La Direct publishes the fourth Spanish Police infiltrate, this time in Girona
  • The Spanish Police have used infiltration strategies based on emotions and feelings to enter various movements and agents of the Catalan left. In this fourth case, the undercover police have denounced their participation in mobilizations and open assemblies for immigrant minors and housing unions.
Aitor Gurrutxaga Muñagorri 2023ko uztailaren 14a
Espainiako Polizia infiltratua Giroako manifestazio batean . Argazkia: Directa

The fourth infiltrate of the Spanish Police has been published in the Catalan countries, this time in Girona. The case has been expanded by the research carried out by La Directa.

It is the fourth leg of the infiltration wave launched by the Spanish Police in 2020. In this case, the police appeared as Maria Perelló Amengual. He studied criminology between 2012 and 2015 and in 2017 he joined the Ávila Police School (Spain). As infiltration cases already published, it is part of the 33rd promotion of the Spanish Police.

In June 2020 he participated in mobilizations claiming “bread, accommodation, papers and work” for immigrant minors. Then, according to La Direct, they met a militant from Girona and started a couple relationship. This allowed him to live and get to know the social and independence movements of Girona. For example, on 1 October 2018 he had the opportunity to attend a meeting between the defendants (case 21Raons) and their lawyers, taking care of all the defense of the defendants.

The police also participated in the mobilizations for the freedom of Pablo Haselén, opening the assembly and housing unions in Girona. She added that she tried to access the coordinator of 8 March in Girona.

The Spanish spy established a sentimental relationship with an entrepreneur (Òscar C) well known in the popular movements of Girona. Photo: Zuzenean

"My aggression has no name, it has destroyed me and my family," reports the militant who was a police partner. He emphasizes that he started a relationship with his “best will” and that he feels “deceived”. He says that for him it has been torture that I would never imagine recognizing and recognizing infiltration.


A press conference to denounce the infiltration of the Spanish police called by Guardia Solidaria.