Direct has previously revealed the cases of two other policemen infiltrated by the Catalan movements: in June of last year he reported on the identity of the Spanish police infiltrated in independence and the housing movement, and in January of this year he also travelled the Vitorian district of Errekaleor.
Two weeks after this second infiltrate was announced, Direct was able to confirm that these agents were not alone, according to journalists Ester Fayos and Irene Molina. In March 2020, the young man who presented as Ramón Martínez Hernández entered the popular movements of Valencia. "After a long and rigorous investigation, Directo has verified his true identity R.M.F. That coincides with the initials and that Baix Llobregat lived in a town in the region until it began in the police academy of Ávila." His identity has been revealed through physiognomic tests performed by experts comparing several of his photographs.
Coordinated operation
In the words of journalists, this third case of espionage shows that this is a coordinated operation to spy on the leftist and anti-capitalist movements of the Catalan countries, led by information commissioner Eugenio Pereiro Blanco, under a hierarchical structure led by the Spanish Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska.
R.M.F. the Topo, entered in March 2020 in the neighbourhood association Cuidem Benimaclet, which groups families, adults and young people to fight an urban project in this neighborhood of Valencia. Then the police were about to turn 28. He then entered the l'Horta social center and through the relations maintained there, as well as other popular movements. Those of you who met her say he was a slightly nice, silent and shy young man who didn't like to talk about his past. One of the entrepreneurs who was at home tells you that it's now striking that the police room is so aseptic: "I had a bed, a desk, a poster and some books."
The mole did not take the floor in the assemblies and telegram groups, and hardly manifested its political ideology. On the contrary, he was willing to cooperate in any mobilization and action, as a member of the Valencian Anti-Fascist Action Group told Direct. His actions against the real estate, against fascism, against the Zapatista movement... took part in eleven demonstrations, many times from the organization committees.
The first police infiltrated in the Direct dictatorship in June 2022 raised suspicions in some people in the area of Ramón Martínez due to the scarce references to the past, participation in many groups in a short time and the sudden disappearance in the case of Valencia. Then the Direct Investigation started, the police told them in September 2021 that they would return to Barcelona with one of their "best friends". In saying goodbye, he announced that he would abandon his political activity to dedicate more time to training (he practiced the style of struggle 'muay thai' from his admission to the center of l'Horta) and to studies (until then he was attending a degree at the University of Valencia). Although he left Valencia, he continued to contact several friends by phone until June 2022.
The Valencian people’s movement asks the militants not to be frightened. "If there's been an infiltrate, a sign that we're doing things right," says a member of l'Horta, "we don't stay at home, but on the contrary, we have to continue to militate carefully and review our practices."