Urkullu rejects the agreement to repeal the Spanish labour reform
  • Lehendakari said that the agreement between EH Bildu, PSOE and Podemos "has not been faithful" and can lead to "lack of trust" in the European Union and in the markets. The Basque Government has defended the decisions it has taken on health or education during the confinement period.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko maiatzaren 24a

Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, rejected in an interview published this Sunday by the Vocento group the agreement to repeal labor reform. On the one hand, it criticised the very nature of the agreement: “The deal with EH Bildu was not loyal.” It also criticised the content of the agreement itself: "It has caused me total confusion and concern because there is a risk that confidence will be broken at political, European Union and international markets level." It has not clarified whether this agreement will affect the policy being pursued by the PNV at the Congress of Deputies in Madrid, which considers a decision of the PNV.

Against EH Bildu, for the PSE

Urkullu criticised EH Bildu’s political line, as agreed by the Abertzale coalition. He has accused EH Bildu of not taking into account the PNV and of betting on politics and political forces at the state level, "EH Bildu has long been committed to political forces, not in the area of an independent Basque state, but in a wider area. EH Bildu doesn't want the PNV at all. Not at all. He also insisted that his aim is to re-govern with the PSE following the elections on 12 July: "Our agreement has been very positive, because it has offered stability and confidence to the citizens. That's necessary in times of crisis."

Good work of the Basque Government

Urkullu has defended the work being done by the Basque Government in the health crisis and has called for justice. In health, he said he understood the complaints of the professionals of the Cruces Hospital who received whistles, but he also added that the doctor thanked him for the “good work” of the government: "I give more value to the commitment of health professionals who are working hard than to those who are dedicated to lecturing from their own webcam." Although the number of deaths is high, it has stated that housing management has been good.

On Monday, several schools will be opened and students are expected to come to Barakaldo. Trade unions, among others, have unanimously criticized the plan of the Department of Education as well as the ways of making decisions. Urkullu denies that the Basque Government has taken unilateral decisions: "A step-by-step proposal has been made, there is talk and discussion with the education community," he added.