The Spanish Coast Authority opens the way to build the Guggenheim Urdaibai
  • The Provincial Council of Bizkaia requested last October to reduce Murueta's land-sea public road limit from 100 to 20 metres. The Spanish Coastal Authority confirmed on Wednesday the construction of the macro-project in Urdaibai.
Izaro Villarreal Lauroba 2023ko azaroaren 23a

The project to build a new Guggenheim in Urdaibai has managed this Wednesday to overcome one of the most difficult obstacles. The Spanish Coastal Authority has recognised that in the Urdaibai marshes the protection zone is limited to 20 metres from the coast and not to a hundred metres, as it was previously established. This has enabled the macro-project to be carried out on the yard’s land du.Prozesu, where the Ministry has compiled various reports and received allegations from private individuals and associations.

First Equality Plan

Following the recommendation of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, I. The City of Murueta has begun to develop the Equality Plan and has opened a questionnaire to know the opinion of the citizens. Lt. Mayor of Murueta, Gemma Badiola, said that “this is a questionnaire aimed at all citizens, so that everyone can express their opinion”.


Thousands of people met in the noisy demonstration last October 28 against the Guggenheim project of the Urdaibai reserve. Citizens and social agents are concerned about the “terrible impacts” that the museum “does not respond to the needs” of Busturialdea can generate.