Congress approves the amendment of the Spanish Law of Education
  • The Spanish State will soon have a new Education Act if the Senate, as expected, gives the green light: Following the repeal of the LOMCE of pp in 2013, Congress approved this Thursday with a narrow majority the project presented by Isabel Celaá. Among the most notable changes, Spanish will cease to be a compulsory language of communication within the educational system.
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Isabel Zelaa Hezkuntza ministro espainiarra Madrilgo Kongresuan azaroaren 19an. (Argazkia: Europa Press)

It will also be called Celaá Law, which has been its main driving force by Socialist Minister Isabel À, although officially called LOMLOE, which will replace the LOMCE that has been in force since 2013. In order to move forward, he had the votes of PSOE, Unidas Podemos, ERC, PNV and Mas País, Equo, Nueva Canarias and Compromís. They voted against pp, Citizens, VOX, UPN, Coalition Canaria, PRC and Foro Asturias and abstained EH Bildu, Junts per Catalunya, BNG, Teruel Hay and the Cup.

It will bring some significant changes to the educational centers of the Spanish state. Religion will no longer be a pending subject and those who do not want to study will no longer have to choose additional subjects; the right and left have long fought around this issue. On the other hand, in the autonomous communities with their own language, Castilian ceases to be a compulsory communication language in educational centers and Madrid sets half, no more.

From now on, the young people who come to Bachillerato will have four rather than three models: science and technology, human and social sciences and art, they will also be offered what is now called "general", with themes of science and letters. More public spaces will be created for the education of children from 0 to 3 years old. In the case of concerted centres, the public institutions shall not grant public land and shall not receive public aid in the case of distribution by sex of the students.