The Council calls for the Digital Rights Charter to include language rights
  • The Council has denounced that the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation has omitted the issue of languages and linguistic rights in the process of drawing up the Digital Rights Charter. The Council has made contributions to the letter.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko abenduaren 07a

In the autumn, the Digital Rights Charter has been open to citizens and institutions and Kontseilua, together with the Elhuyar group and the PuntuEUS foundation, has made several contributions.

Contributions have been made in nine areas: the right to equality and non-discrimination in the digital environment, the right to citizen participation through digital media, the right to digital education, the digital rights of citizens in their relations with public administrations, the right to technological development and the sustainable digital environment, the right to health protection in the digital environment and artificial intelligence.

The Council Secretary-General, Paul Bilbao, regretted that the Spanish Government had renounced language rights: “Given the importance that the digital environment is acquiring in our daily lives, it is necessary that in these areas the rights that belong to us as citizens should be linked; however, unfortunately, and once again, the State has not set itself in the linguistic reality”.

On the other hand, Bilbao has denounced that a process that speaks of linguistic rights has published all the documentation in Spanish and has not given an option to make contributions in its own official languages.

The Basque Government will send its contributions to the Basque parties represented in the General Courts to “join the petitions”.