The delegate of the Spanish Government, Jesús Loza, spoke about the implementation of the 'Via Nanclares 2', after which it has retracted
  • The Government delegate to the CAV, Jesús Loza, has made statements in the Chain Ser about a possible "Nanclares 2". He then clarified that these statements are “his opinion” and that there will not be “via Nanclares 2”.
ARGIA @argia 2019ko urriaren 04a

In statements subsequent to the first statements, he pointed out that there could be a progressive rapprochement to the Zaballa (Álava) prison of Basque prisoners. However, this possibility would be given to ETA members to carry out a "real self-criticism" around the situation of violence.

The Spanish Government "has framed these measures within the framework of the EU's social reintegration policy". He also said that they could be implemented after the elections to the Spanish Congress and Senate, which will be repeated on 10 November.

In the opinion of some, it is precisely this electoral environment that has led Loza to make these statements on the prisoners of eta.