The Government of Spain rejects the separation of Usansolo from Galdakao
  • The Ministry of Territorial Policy rejects the request on the grounds that it does not have a minimum population of 5,000 inhabitants. The Management Committee, the City of Galdakao and the Provincial Council of Bizkaia will appeal to the agreement.
Ilargi Manzanares 2023ko ekainaren 30
Usansoloko artxibo irudia. Argazkia: Javierme.

The Government of Spain denies the request for the separation of Usansolo from Galdakao (Bizkaia) for not exceeding the limit of 5,000 inhabitants. The chairman of the management committee, Agustín Aizpuru, received the news “bad”, but said that the option “is not a surprise”. The Managing Commission says that the resolution of the Ministry of Territorial Policy has left the process in the “limbo” and that they will begin to analyze the form of response.

In Madrid the resolution is not final. The Management Commission, the City Council of Galdakao and the Provincial Council of Bizkaia can submit resources and Aizpuru points out that they have two options: The first, administratively, re-apply for registration in the Register of Municipalities of Usansolo and the second, initiate the legal process. The management committee will decide in the coming days. They have two months to appeal. Aizpuru said that the decision of the Spanish Government seeks to hinder the initiative, but they will not give in.

The City Council of Galdakao and the General Boards of Bizkaia have made a new interpretation based on the Bylaws of Bizkaia: With 2,500 citizens, the economic and service viability is sufficient to become a municipality. The PNV, EH Bildu and the United Nations Podemos proposed in the Spanish Congress a change of law to "overcome obstacles" in favor of the foral norm.