The Pro Amnesty and Anti-Repression Movement maintains the mobilisation of Pamplona banned by the Spanish Government
  • The mobilisation called for on Saturday has been banned by the Spanish Government's delegation to the foral Community of Navarra. The person who registered the call will refuse to call the mobilisation and the Pro-Amnesty and Anti-Repression Movement will keep it in place.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko ekainaren 25
Amnistiaren aldeko mobilizazio bat Bilbon

"The struggle has no respite. Under the slogan “Total Amnesty!”, a demonstration was held in Pamplona on Saturday 27 June. According to the Pro Amnesty and Anti-Repression Movement in its letter of Wednesday, the Spanish Government’s delegation in Navarre has banned the call because it considers that the communication was made late and that there is no reason to call the emergency demonstration. The movement has made excuses for these arguments: “We apologize because the bans on demonstrations are continuous in Navarre, when they are not called by the fascists. A demonstration called in Pamplona/Iruña to denounce the situation of Patxi Ruiz was banned in May under the pretext of a health emergency. Not for the fascist party Vox or bullfights, because Vox, PSOE, Podemos and bullfighters are managers or beneficiaries of the same systems and interests.”

The Pro-Amnesty and Anti-Repression Movement has stated that the people should not ask anyone for permission to exercise their rights, “let alone those who violate those rights.” In that case, they will take over from the person who registered the demonstration and will keep the call, banning them. Thus, the demonstration will start on Saturday, day 27, from the Plaza de las Recoletas de Pamplona at 18:00 hours.