The Government of Spain will be in the process in The Hague, but has not joined in the denunciation of genocide against Israel
  • At the International Court of Justice in The Hague, judges are analysing what is being done in Gaza in Israel, and the Government of Spain has decided to intervene in this process. However, the Foreign Minister, José Manuel Albars, clarifies that they will not "participate in favour of one of the two sides of the process", so they will not join the genocial denunciation.
ARGIA @argia 2024ko ekainaren 07a
Hagako auzitegian maiatzaren 24an egindako saioa, Gazako sarraskiaren aurrean Hegoafrikak jarritako genozidio salaketaren harira. Argazkia: Nazioarteko Justizia Auzitegia

In the face of South Africa ' s complaint against Israel for genocide, the Government of Spain has announced its participation in this process. But the Spanish Foreign Minister, José Manuel Albars, has explained that this does not mean that that country joins the complaint by South Africa, but, in the process being carried out at the Hague Court of Justice, acts in favour of that complaint.

"Spain is not going to participate in one of the two parts of the process," explains Albars. It says that the Court will help it make its "interpretation". Therefore, Madrid is not in favour or against the complaint, but will help judges make a "decision".

The International Court of Justice has already promised Israel to stop human aid passing in Gaza, but Tel Aviv is continuing to block the territory and bombing

"We're not going against Israel, we're looking to stop the war. We believe that this is not a way to relate between Israelis and Palestinians," the Spanish minister said to the newspaper El País in an interview.

The International Court of Justice has already promised Israel to stop human aid passing in Gaza, but Tel Aviv is continuing to block the territory and bombard it. In view of this, many international agents have demanded fines and embargoes so that weapons do not reach Israel. At the moment, no country has done so.

At least one million people have fled Rafah in recent weeks, since Israel launched an attack on the city. On the other hand, 335,000 children under the age of five are at risk of starvation, according to Al Jazeera data, since the closure of the Rafah pass.