Representatives of the Spanish Housing Law express their disagreement between the PNV and the PSE
  • The Basque Government will appeal to the Spanish Constitutional Court the Spanish Housing Law as a "violation" of the competences of the CAPV. The PSE-EE advisers are against this decision.
Jon Torner Zabala @jtorner 2023ko uztailaren 27a
Argazkia: Joaquin Carfagna /

The Spanish Housing Law was approved on April 27 by the Congress of Deputies with the favorable votes of PSOE, Unidos Podemos, EH Bildu and ERC. The PNV voted against, alleging a breach of competence.

Appeal against seven articles

Against the seven articles of the Housing Act and various provisions, the Government will appeal, as has already been said, without the support of the three members of the PSE-EE. Housing counselor IƱaki Arriola himself opposes this agreement.

As explained by government spokesman Bingen Zupiria, the technical report prepared by the Legal Service of the Basque Government "considers that the State violates Euskadi's competences in the field of housing". That is, "the new law regulates specific matters that are not regulated in Basque legislation but that fall within the competence of the Basque Country". In his view, it "occupies a space for the development of our housing policies, while generating legal uncertainty about the applicable regulations". However, despite the fact that the appeal is open, Zupiria is "in favour of seeking dialogue and agreement".

Although the three PSE advisers have expressed disagreement with the decision taken by the government, Zupiria has stated that there is no "violation" between the two parties that formed the government, because the PNV and the PSE are "linked" to the coalition government's constitution agreement.

The Socialist Party has published a note in which it has emphasized that "it is committed to the implementation of the Housing Act in the Basque Country" to "reinforce and complement the policies developed within the framework of Basque legislation".

"We believe that the State Law, among other provisions, introduces regulatory mechanisms for housing prices that the Basque Law cannot take into account, as representatives of the PSE-EE and the PNV have repeatedly said in the parliamentary debates," the socialists explain. "Therefore, as I say, it is a rule that empowers the autonomous communities, does not impose and respects their competences."

The PSE adds that some municipalities of the CAPV, including those of San Sebastian, have initiated a procedure to request the Housing Department, under the Spanish Housing Law, to designate "tensioned areas" for action in these areas, including the application of the rent limit. "The Housing Department has been willing from the beginning to make this declaration in agreement with the municipalities. Therefore, it is a request of the municipalities themselves".

The PP, for its part, points out that the appeal presented by the nationalists is "a good decision". "[The Housing Act] opposes the owners and defends the occupation, says PP president in the CAV, Carlos Iturbe: "It's an aberration, it's just yes and like the laws of the Democratic Memory."