One in five Spaniards has a current account equivalent to 400 euros
  • With an average rent of more than 650 euros, about 10 million people are unable to pay the domestic rent in case of unforeseen expenses. The equity threshold of EUR 73,000 divides the richest and poorest social sector.
Gedar @GedarLangileKZ 2022ko azaroaren 15a

According to the newspaper La Vanguardia, almost 10 million people in Spain live with a heritage of less than 400 euros a month, 20% of the population. Reduced economic support in a State whose average monthly rental exceeds EUR 650. This means that a large part of the population is at risk of not being able to pay rent in case of any accident.

Figures far from the nominal average assets of 73,000 euros indicate the vacuum of this index, as the total assets of the Spanish State divided by the number of inhabitants are calculated. However, the data is not completely Baladí, as it places those with a heritage of less than 73,000 euros "within the poorest 1/2 of society". The contrast is even higher if we look at the heritage of the richest 1% of the population: With an average of over EUR 1.5 million, they account for a quarter of the wealth of all Spanish families.

Class gap numbers

Thus, having more than 73,000 euros means "being richer than the other half of society" in the Spanish state. This threshold includes both property and financial assets, excluding potential debts.

Wealth distribution has changed little since the second wave of the crisis hit many working-class families in 2014 to this day. Moreover, this indicator is much more stable than that of family income, since nominal incomes are very variable depending on arrears or economic benefits.