Bou and Ramos collect 101 hate crimes in the Spanish state
  • Journalists David Bou and Miquel Ramos have investigated and collected on this website 101 hate crimes committed in the Spanish State from 1990 to the present day: three of them have been killed in Hego Euskal Herria. More than a third of the cases (36) are related to racism and xenophobia. The next group, with 27 cases, is related to contribute phobia, that is, against people in poverty. This project has been carried out in collaboration with SOS Racism de Valencia.
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In 2015, journalists Bou and Ramos already released the 80 killings that can be seen on the interactive map: all these hate crimes were committed by people linked to far-right groups.

Since then, these two journalists have investigated 21 other crimes committed or known in the past five years and posted them on the website, on an interactive map. By clicking on this map you can see the file of each crime: the day and place of the facts, a brief narrative, the response to the courts and a compilation of articles and videos appeared in the media.

Journalists Bou and Ramos have done a great amount of research to document cases of very little information, and they have targeted people who knew the subject and the relatives of the deceased to gather information. The collaboration of the groups working in the fight against hate and hate crimes has also been crucial.

Three crimes of Hego Euskal Herria, one of them ideological

This work collects three hate crimes committed in Hego Euskal Herria: Luis C.A. murdered by subphobia in Errenteria in 2003; Alejo Aznar killed by subphobia in Getxo in 1999 and Ángel Berrueta killed in Pamplona in 2004 for ideological hatred.