Spain to be investigated in Europe for lawsuits against freedom of expression
  • The investigation will be carried out by the European Commission and the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) of the European Parliament.
ARGIA @argia 2018ko maiatzaren 25
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In the petition transmitted to the European Commission by the collective No Callarem for freedom of expression, they expressed the need to analyze the constant violations of freedom of expression committed by the Spanish State. The Commission responded on Thursday that the Spanish state will be subject to an investigation by the European Commission.

Although the collective’s demand was rejected in the first coup, under pressure from some MEPs, No Callarem’s demand has advanced, prompting the European Commission to investigate the Spanish state.

The European Commission’s response comes at the same time as the exile of rapper Valtonyc. The young Catalan had his last day of voluntary imprisonment on Thursday, he was sentenced to three and a half years in prison for “glorifying terrorism” and “insulting the Royal House of Spain” in songs. The case of Valtonyc is one of the cases described in the petition transmitted by the collective No Callarem to the European Commission.