We shared two documents on the network:
The Council document has a bilingual introduction and the appointment of the entities that accede to it: Platform per la Llengua catalana, A Mesa Pola Normalization Linguistics of Galicia and Obra Cultural Balear.
Seven comments are presented below, none in favour of doing away with anything, increases in all cases. Some increases relate to demands and commitments in favour of international language rights, others to single phrases added to the explanations of rights contained in the text and referring to the linguistic diversity of the Spanish State.
None has been inserted into the text. This Spanish letter of digital rights does not refer to language or Spanish, because there is no need: what it brings is a monolingual and uninational vision.
For example, what the Council called for in relation to the principle of equality:
The provisional text did not mention the increase that could reasonably result in:
Another interesting aspect, fundamental to digital regulation: the right of citizens to use one or another official language in their relations with the administration. The Council extended it as follows:
And so it is in the Charter:
Nothing about language, of course. Just in case. Do not complain about interfaces or IT procedures, because their right to interoperability is above that of the public.
And all in those conditions.