The King of Spain chooses Feijóo as candidate for president in the investiture
  • The King of Spain, Felipe de Borbón, has conducted interviews to elect a candidate for the Spanish Government. Francina Armengar, president of the Bureau of the Spanish Congress, announced the election of King Feijóo.
Aitor Gurrutxaga Muñagorri 2023ko abuztuaren 23a
Espainiako erregearen eta Feijóo Alderdi Popularreko hautagaiaren arteko elkarrizketa / Argazkia: X (Twitter) bidez

On 21 August, the King of Spain began an interview to appoint a government candidate and has met with most parties. After meeting on Tuesday with the two main candidates, PSOE and PP, Francina Armengar, president of the Spanish Congress Bureau, announced the election of Feijóo. That is why the candidate of the People’s Party has shown his willingness to stand for the investiture, although he does not have sufficient backing.

Today, the People’s Party would be backed by 172 votes, since its 137 is also from Vox, UPN and the Canary Islands Coalition CC. The PSOE can be supported by 178 votes: 121 of the PSOE, Summing, ERC, Junts Per Catalunya, EH Bildu, PNV and BNG. However, it has not yet managed to reach agreement with all parties. Some parties, such as the BNG and the PNV, clarify that they will not give "white checks". On the contrary, Sumar and EH Bildu have explained to the PSOE their support to "prevent the creation" of a right-wing government.

Slightly rereading

The Royal House, in a published paper, clarifies that the protection of the King is always for the most voted candidate. Therefore, the King’s support for Feijóo and the People’s Party does not provide certainty and guarantees for the formation of the Government.