Spanish cannabis associations call for legal regularization of cannabis trafficking
  • Among other measures, they pointed out that the Personal Income Tax (IRPF) would generate between 200 and 600 million euros per year. Consequently, the Confederation of Cannabis Associations proposes to integrate a significant part of drug trafficking into the revenue of the Spanish State.
Mikel Eizagirre 2020ko irailaren 22a
Kalamua. Argazkia: Wikimedia Commons

Legal regulation of the activity of cannabis associations can amount to between EUR 200 million and EUR 600 million in direct and indirect taxes alone. This is evidenced by the study conducted by the Confederation of Federations of Canonical Societies of Spain (CONFAC). According to the portal through the CONFACE report, there are about 1,500 such premises throughout the state. The confederation stresses “the need to organize an activity that has been implemented in most cities in Spain in the last decade”, in the absence of laws that support it.

It is proposed to legalize the marijuana traffic that occupies an important part of the Spanish narcoeconomy and to allocate part of its benefits to public funds, that is, the participation and funding of the State in drug trafficking.

In his view, “the pandemic has highlighted the need to abandon this irregular situation”, referring to prohibitions. In fact, associations have denounced that during confinement the availability of the substance has been reduced both for consumers who use it for fun and for therapeutic purposes, proposing this consumption in terms of rights.

Indeed, in this sector too, workers have been the main victims, as the 7,500 people who receive their wages in return for their work in cannabis associations have lost all sources of income during that period. Moreover, they have remained outside the TEU and other State aid.