The Catholic Church of Spain recognizes over 1,000 cases of pederastia
  • The Catholic Church of Spain recognizes 1,057 child sexual abuse in the Church. It denies the commission of abuse for years or neglects cases. Until recently, the Church has argued that there were few complaints in Spain or that there were no complaints. In any case, the amount recognised is very small. According to the Ararteko study, 440,000 of the victims of pederasti are in the Church.
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Although the Spanish Catholic Church has accepted more than 1,000 cases, at the end of last year it showed lower figures. In December 2023, the Episcopal Conference of the Spanish State presented the official report “To Give Light”. On 26 February, according to the Public Journal, the report contains “inconsistencies with manipulation of data and denied truths”. This list did not contain, among others, the data provided by the Ombudsman of Spain by different churches and religious orders. For example, the data of the Marist congregation are not included in the report, and that congregation is the one that has the most complaints after the Jesuits. There is also no case of Bermeo, who occupied an important place in the media, that is, in the Menesian College of San José.

Only one in three of the sexual abuse reported by the victims has been accepted as “proven” and most as “unproven, but credible” by the Catholic hierarchy.