The Ministry of the Interior does not want to report on the agent infiltrated in Valencian activism
  • On Monday, La Direct reported that a Spanish police infiltrate has spent two years in Valencian activism. Since then, the Ministry of the Interior and the Spanish Police have not answered the weekly questions.
Irati Irazusta Jauregi 2023ko otsailaren 15
Marlaska, infiltratutako poliziaren inguruan egindako adierazpenetan. (Argazkia: EuropaPress)

The Ministry of the Interior and the Spanish Police did not want to give information about the police who have spent two years in Valencian activism. The Direct made the news public on Monday and members of the Catalan weekly explain that they have not received answers to the questions. The Spanish Ministry of the Interior has stated in writing that it will not "make any statement about this" and the Press Office of the Directorate-General for Police says that it has no information on the case.

The Direct has already published three cases of policemen infiltrated by investigators. The first opened in June of last year, publicizing the identity of the Spanish Police infiltrated in independence and the housing movement, and in January of this year was also present in the social movements of Barcelona and in the Vitorian district of Errekaleor.

The Ministry of the Interior has pointed out that the State Security Forces and Bodies always comply with the law and act "with complete professionalism", respecting constitutional values. However, with Ramón Martínez Hernández's nickname, the police infiltrated in the movements of Valencia led various acts of sabotage. These actions would be legal if the police were an infiltrated agent authorized by the judge. Until now, the Ministry of the Interior has pointed out that the police of the movements in Barcelona did not need judicial authorization, because they were "intelligence agents" or infiltrated agents.

Statements by Marlaska

After publicizing the first case of infiltration, Minister Grande-Marlaska acknowledged the existence of infiltrated policemen within "independentism" and defined them as "intelligence agents". According to him, the role of these policemen is "to gather information for order and public security in environments where radical individuals or tablets move with illegal sezionist projects".

In the same case, in response to questions from EH Bildu Deputy, Jon Iñarritu, Marlaska pointed out that this type of police action is used "for special purposes", "in cases where there are well-founded suspicions that may be related to illegal criminal offences".

In the second case of infiltration published on January 30, the minister defended the "prestige" of these police officers. It says that "they do not embrace ideologies, but facts."