The National Hearing suspends the blockade of the Telegram application while the Police investigates the consequences
  • Judge Santiago Pedraze asked last Friday to block the Telegram application in the state. The same judge has decided to suspend this blockade on Monday to look first at the consequences of the implementation of this measure.
ARGIA @argia 2024ko martxoaren 25a

In the agreement dated 25 March, the judge asked the Spanish Police to issue a report on the Telegram platform and to take account of the consequences of the temporary suspension among users. The possible blocking of the Telegram application is suspended until the judge receives this report.

The same judge decided on Friday that blocking the Telegram application was a necessary, appropriate and proportional measure. Indeed, several media companies reported that Telegram disseminates its contents without authorisation. The complainants are Mediaset, Antena 3, Movistar and Egeda. In this case, in which "piracy" is accused, the judge argued that it is impossible to identify who the owners of the accounts are who disseminate foreign content for profit and that is why he ordered the complete closure of Telegram.

This decision has sparked controversy because it affects all users of Telegram. Three days later, the judge asks the police to measure the consequences of the temporary suspension of the application.

To learn more about the matter, Dabid Martinez has published: Telegram, what now? and two words about what we learned this weekend