Spanish Army Fire Reported on Monday in Bardenas
  • Last Monday there was a stake in Bardenas and the Anti-Polygon Assembly attributed the disaster to the military manoeuvres of the Spanish army.
Lide Iraola 2022ko urriaren 05a
Bardeako sutea Espainiako armadari egotzi die / Bardeako batzarra

The Anti-Polygon Assembly has stated in a document that it was a “foreseeable effect” in establishing a Shooting Polygon in a special conservation area. From Monday to Friday, the Spanish Army has planned shooting and bombing practices in Bardenas.

For the group it is “incomprehensible” that the military can perform “so damaging” maneuvers for the environment in a zone of special interest. In fact, they recalled that in this area is one of the few populations of Portuguese avifauna (Alondra de Dupont) in Navarra, and have warned that other birds and plants, insects and amphibians that inhabit would also suffer damage.

Once again, the Assembly has denounced that the Spanish army acts with a real ammunition: “If unexploded manoeuvres are dangerous, plus those carried out with real ammunition.” In addition, they have condemned the “absolute silence” of the armed forces in the matter of fires and complaints, and have asked them for information and explanations “in the face of citizen concern”.

Fire in the Bardenas. (Photo: Fire Brigade of Navarra)

They remember that this type of manoeuvre generates wars and does not “bet on peace”. On the other hand, they have denounced the need to “tackle fires with public money”.

Faced with the disasters of the last week, they call for responsibilities and solutions to those who have agreed on the Shooting Polygon: the Bardenas Board and the Spanish Ministry of Defence. They have also called for greater intervention by the governments of Navarre and Aragon.