Espagnac, Brisson and Saint-Pé remain senators of Iparralde
  • The former senators of the last six years will remain in the French Senate: Frederique Espagnac (Socialist Party, left), Max Brisson (Republicans, right) and Denise Saint-Pé (Modem, center). These elections are not directly voted by the citizens and 1,879 major voters of the Atlantic Pyrenees, including Ipar Euskal Herria and Bearnoa, deputies, departmental and regional councillors and representatives of the local councils.
Jenofa Berhokoirigoin @Jenofa_B 2023ko irailaren 24a
Ipar Euskal Herriko hiru senatariak, ezkerretik hasita, Saint-Pé, Espagnac eta Brisson. Argazkia: Bixente Vrignon

There have been no changes in the department comprising Iparralde and Biarno: Frederique Espagnac, Max Brisson and Denise Saint-Pé continue in the French Senate for another six years. Thus, Espagnac and the other two will be assigned to the third post. Espagnac received 33.82% of the votes, 608 out loud, 30.76%, 553 out loud, Brisson and 20.19%, 363, Saint-Pé. For 2017, Espagnac has remained (-1), Brisson has achieved better results (+242) and Saint-Pé has lost strength (-46).

1,879 large voters were called to vote in the Atlantic Pyrenees Department: representatives of local councils, departmental or regional advisers and deputies. In total, nine candidates competed and the fourth were ecologists (5.45%), followed by communists (2.61%), Reconquete far-right (2.34%) and RN of Le Pen (2.11%), Michel Lamarque without label (1.56%) and France Insoumise (1.17%).

Four times the ends on the right

The extreme right has exploded over the previous elections: Adding the votes of the candidatures Reconquete and Rassememblement National gets 4.55%. 80 big Atlantic Pyrenees voters vote on the far right, six years ago it was twenty, four times less.