Right in deep crisis: Republican President Ciotti and Reconquista President Maréchal
  • The president of the right-wing party, Eric Ciotti, has announced the Republican’s intention to establish alliances with the far-right party RN for the elections to the Parliament of France. This unilateral decision has led to disagreement within the party and the leadership has decided to remove it from the party. The same applies to the fascist party Reconquista: Marion Maréchal, former list head for the European vote, is expelled for launching the opening to the RN.
Jenofa Berhokoirigoin @Jenofa_B 2024ko ekainaren 13a
RNari juntatzeko asmoz dabiltza eskuineko aurpegi ezagun batzuk eta horrek desadostasunak eragin ditu alderdien baitan. Argazkia: Sipa

In the French political sphere, there have been profound movements when President Emmanuel Macron learns of the results for the European Parliament to undo Parliament and call for new elections. The right has since been in a deep crisis. On the one hand, the Republican has decided to dismiss his president, Eric Ciotti, from the party. This was unanimously defended by the party’s leaders and senior officials at the meeting held on Wednesday. In fact, Ciotti has extended his mission of establishing alliances with the far-right RN in the votes to be held on 30 June and 7 July, but has not moved to the party’s position and have therefore eliminated it. The new presidents are Annie Genevard and François-Xavier Bellamy.

The far right went from eight to 88 representatives in 2022. In the European elections, the first force emerged in the French State, reaching more than 90% of the people.

The parties will have to present their candidates for Sunday night, and the party has decided not to put the only Member who supported the position of Ciotti, Christelle D’intorni, on the top of the list. However, D’intorni confirms that it will be submitted: "I'm from the Republican LR party and I stay there. My ideas haven't changed, they're from the Republican right, the Republicans." Of course, Ciotti has also strongly criticised the party’s decision, described it as ‘illegal’ and basically did not attend the meeting. Worse, he put out the workers who were in the party headquarters before the meeting and closed the doors, and increased the perplexity and anger of the party representatives. It will be presented to Ciotti, but also the LR party will present its candidature, so on the right, two candidates. Since 2022, the Republican has 61 Members out of 577, of whom he will return 59.

The divided fascist party

With the intention of facing both the left and the Macron party, Marion Maréchal, of the Reconquista party, is also ready to join the RN, the nephew of the head of Marine Le Pen, of the RN party. This has not been accepted by the party president, Eric Zemmoure: "I'm crooked and hurt. (...) He has betrayed me, he is surrounded by professionals in treason." Maréchal, the head of the list for the European elections, agreed with the "single candidacy of the sum of the right".

Threat RN

He achieved 88 Members in 2022, with a big leap at the tip of the right, from eight to 88 representatives. As far as the European elections are concerned, the first force in the French State has been taken, with more than 90% of the people as the first force. In 92 of the 158 villages in the continental Basque Country it has also left before.

Aware of the risk that the extreme right will come to power, the leftist parties are betting on a single candidature.

The elections to Parliament are very close to this wave of victories and probably the extreme right will also take advantage of this movement which is in favour on 30 June. However, the dynamics are completely different, because the candidates have to present a place in place because the parts and local representatives of the NB are not always familiar faces. In other words, the reputation of Jordan Bardella, presented to Europe, is not very different and that will influence the time of the vote.

These elections are scheduled to take place in two rounds, and it will be the elections that reach 12.5% of the votes of the signatories that will be able to proceed to the votes on 7 July. In the last elections to the French Parliament, of the 577 voting areas, the RN candidate moved to the second round in 208. It is to be seen how many times it will be on this occasion and which party of the two laps will clearly call to cut the road to the far right.

Aware of the risk that the extreme right will come to power, the leftist parties are betting on a single candidature.