President Giorgia Meloni?
Tip right about to rule Italy
  • Mario Draghi’s resignation led Italy to the presidential elections, to be held on 25 September. The first of the polls is Giorgia Meloni, of the Italian party Hermanos (Fratelli d'Italia in Italian), heir to the fascist party. It is significant, given that in the present Parliament this force is the fifth. Experts talk about the Meloni effect. But what's going on in the country? And who is Meloni?
Xuban Zubiria @xubanzubiria 2022ko irailaren 15

Since its inauguration in the heart of Rome in 1580, a lot of leaders have passed through the Chigi Palace. The housing of the Italian prime ministers awaits the arrival of the next guest. The place where he has the most chances of settlement is the ultra-right candidate of the Italian party Hermanos. According to the CISE (the house of Italian electoral measures), Meloni would get 25% of the votes. He would be followed by the candidate from the left of the center Enrico leta (PD), who obtained 22% of the votes. Antonio Conte, former Prime Minister of the Star 5 Movement, which has been increasing in recent weeks, would be about 15% of the votes and would be 10% Matteo Salvini (Lega) and Silvio Berlusconi (Forza Italia).

If the forecasts were met, Melon would have sufficient support from Salvini and Berlusconi to complete the government.

If the forecasts were to be met, Melon would suffice to have the support of the far-right Salvini, who shares trintxera, and, if desired, with Silvio Berlusconi to form a government. In Italy, the right centre has for years become the slave of the right tip. Il Cavaliere – Berlusconi –, who has ruled the country for years, has become the key to bringing together in the coming weeks a powerful far-right government. Since the defeat of fascism in Italy in 1945, it would be the most right-wing government.

It should be remembered that in 2018 the right wing reached the government after the signing of the government agreement with the Izar 5 Matteo Salvini Law that won the elections. This government of Antonio Conde, the third member of the polls, served Salvini as an internal minister to take action against the country’s many minorities. Not only that, but it also dared to close the country’s ports to immigrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea. This Sunday the Italian Brother could succeed with the same speech on minorities and migration policies. Unlike 2018, this time neofaxists can have a majority in the parliament and in the government that would form from it.

But who is Giorgia Meloni?

How is it possible that the natural heir of the fascist party is about to win the elections? To what extent could authoritarianism lead to a government full of far-right ministers? It is not known, what is clear is that one of the factors that has allowed this possible scenario has been the political skill of Giorgia Meloni. In the Spanish state, many knew him for his statements at the Vox party protection rally in the elections they held in Andalusia. “To the natural family, yes! To the TLGB lobbies no! To sexual identity, yes! To the ideology of gender not! To safe limits, yes! No to mass migration! Yes to the universality of the cross! No to Islamist violence!” Although it has been noticeably moderate when immersed in the campaign, there are clues as to what it can do in it. The newspaper library does not forgive.

It has been one of the most important points of the story trap that has built its workers' origin to reach the public

Marine Le Pen, Nigel Farage, the lords of Vox… Far from the lifestyle of the European reactionary leaders, he was born in the Roman district of Garbatella. Since her father left her at the age of 10, she worked hard on the Porta Portes market to make a living with her mother. His labor origin has been one of the most important points of the narrative plot he has built to reach the public. I say tramposia if, instead of looking at his account, we look at his beginnings of militancy, precisely because he aligned himself with the fascists who attacked those who defended workers’ rights. Following the ultra-right upright Giorgio Almirante, he joined the ideas of the neo-fascist party MSI and began his militant journey at the Youth Front who were young of the movement, Giorgia Meloni.

“I am Giorgia. In the biographical book “My Roots and Ideas” he recognizes that the step towards full political integration was the assassination of Paolo Borselino, a party companion and anti-Mafia judge. Two months after the death of Palermon Giovanni Falcone, he was killed by the mafia Cosa Nostra. In his speech in favour of order along with the origin of the workers, he does not bother to pay tribute to Borselino, but in practice he cannot find any trace of measures to combat the Mafia in his programme.

Viterbo to Chigira

It formed politically in the late 1980s in Rome from left-wing and neo-fascist confrontations. With the anti-fascist struggle, for the movement that had to be fortified in the bourgeois neighborhoods of the north of the city, Meloni, from the working-class district of Garbatella, immediately became a kind of hero. He soon became friends with the leaders of the capital. He met Fabio Rampelli, currently Vice-President of the Italian Parliament. The fealing, which was spontaneous, has shared the same obsession since they met in the Youth Front, becoming a hegemonic, marginalized neofaxist social and electoral or subalternating movement. In order to achieve this, Rampelli's cooperation was essential. At the congress that the Youth Front held in Viterbo in 2004, with the support of Rampelli, Giorgia Meloni was named the leader of the youth movement.

Both have been able to succeed in the vicissitudes of the party from Viterbo to the present day. The last step, as it was with the youth institution, was missing at some point to gain full control of the party. Not stopped, in order to seize power and turn it into an electoral power, in 1998 they created the Meeting of Atredos, a space for debate and the formation of the radical Italian right. This is a reference meeting at European level, involving the Hungarian Victor Orban or the Basque Santiago Abascal. Meloni has fine-tuned his political strategy with the help of spaces such as Marechal Le Pen or Steve Banon, which in turn has served to strengthen his position within the movement.

Since he acquired control of the party, everything has been an exercise of social adaptation.

On 8 March 2014 he became the leader of the Italian party Anaiak Meloni. He reflects on his trajectory between 2004 and 2014 and analyzes the keys to access to power, Salvini & Meloni, edited last year by political scientists Daniel Vicente and Jaime Bordel. Books Children of the same Rabies. Since he acquired control of the party, everything has been an exercise of social adaptation. When the time has come to take the sky with agitation in the campaign, it has built a thousand ways of calling order for repression, it has been able to alleviate measures against minorities by defending Italian values and, although for years it has been part of the political caste in a country where politics is utterly devalued, it has managed to hide on the Porta Portes scrolls.

And unfortunately, many Italians seem to have angled the hook. For the first time in the Chigi Palace a woman could be installed. When you remove the disguise in the sweet of the four walls it is late. So, every newspaper library is going to be useless.