On 8 December 2023, the European Union (EU) approved the first comprehensive regulation of artificial intelligence, but according to an internal document acquired by the Political Weekly "an irresponsible and disproportionate use of biometric identification technology, such as facial study, is permitted."
The legal text drafted on 22 December by the Spanish Presidency of the EU Council established the "real time ban on these biometric surveillance systems", but opened the door to exceptions so that police and armies could use this controversial technology through the legal authorisation of "preventing threats such as terrorism, murder or rape".
However, the German MEP Svenja Hahn has denounced that this gap that did not appear in the original agreement "is an attack on civil rights, as we only know from authoritarian states such as China".
Thus, the recent threat from the Islamic State or ISIS of "terrorist attack in the Quarterfinals of the Champions League" would enter into the doctrine of "local terrorist threat". This doctrine, promoted by Western governments and supported by the media, "to create a climate of terror and intimidation, to eliminate civil liberties and then establish a police state".
German Gorraiz López, Analyst