"Hands are not just to applaud. The time has come to get off the balconies"
  • On Saturday, at 12:00 a.m., the TOPA platform has organized a concentration in the Tolosa Triangle. They have explained that they do not want "heroes", but the same conditions as in the rest of the regions of the country. In addition, it has asked the political parties to make their positions public and not to support the agreements.
Tolosaldeko Ataria @tolosaldeataria 2020ko ekainaren 17a

The Tolosaldea Public Health Platform has called to go out into the street on June 20. The concentration will take place at 12:00 hours in the Triangle of the Navarre capital. The motto will be as follows: Hands are not just to applaud. The time has come to get off the balconies.

Today, a press conference has been held to report on the Saturday call and to remember "in what situation the region is in".

In the last 35 years, Tolosaldea has become the only county where a public hospital has not been built. In addition, the TOPA explained that "this region is a region that has received 12 million euros less per year, thanks to an agreement signed with the AsunciĆ³n Clinic". "So, after 9 years of agreement, we've received a total of 108 million less."

According to the platform, this emergency situation is compounded by another: "About 50% of the clinic's specialists are not approved specialists, but general practitioners, but they work as specialists. For example, in the Traumatology Service, only one in 7 doctors has this specialty approved".

According to TOPA, this shows that the quality of care received in the region is worse than that received in other regions: "This was recognized for the first time by all the representatives of the political parties at the plenary session on 5 March in Tolosa."

They believe it is time to reaffirm their demands: "A regional public hospital for Tolosaldea, a fully equipped specialty outpatient clinic and similar funding to the other districts."

In the area, professionals with working conditions and resources similar to those of other health professionals than heroes are sought, that is, "certified and properly prepared professionals".

Finally, from the platform for the defence of public health, it calls on the political parties: "Let them clearly state what health policy is to be implemented in the coming years and invite them to publicly defend their position so that citizens can know before the elections what proposals they have to improve health care in Tolosaldea," he added.