Until February 2020, the tourist rental of private homes in the Casco Viejo de Vitoria-Gasteiz has not been regulated. It was then that the City Council approved the thirteenth amendment of the Special Plan for Integral Rehabilitation of the Old Town (PERI), which allows the destination of a single house per portal – necessarily on the first floor – to tourism.
To this standard, the association of entrepreneurs in the tourist housing sector Arabatur submitted an allegation in May 2020. Arabatur requested that the option of turistification be extended to any housing or, if not accepted, that the whole portal could be turistified if all owners so desire.
In July 2020, the City Council partially approved Arabatur’s request that the tourist destination of any dwelling should not be allowed, but that it should be possible to channel full portals. Many associations and residents of the Casco Viejo showed concern and discomfort about the fact that the decision could significantly worsen the life of the neighborhood and filed 136 claims in October 2020. The City Hall’s response can come at any time.
What is Arabatur and who runs it?
Arabatur was founded in August 2017 as an association of “private tourist accommodation of Álava, small owners and managers”, according to its statutes. Since his birth he has carried out a lobbying work in favor of housing turistification: to present arguments, to disseminate in the media a message in favor of the turistification, or to meet with political groups of the City of Vitoria-Gasteiz, among others.
"We can assure that reality is different from what Perosanz, the leader of Arabatur, says."
In July 2020, El Correo interviewed Arabatur President Perosanz: “Who are you? What is the profile of Arabatur’s partners?” asked journalist Jorge Barbó, “we are 30 partners, small entrepreneurs from Vitoria-Gasteiz, self-employed, with one or two floors. Within the association there are no big companies, no chains, no investment funds,” Perosanz replied. We don't know if 30 of Arabatur's partners are, or if they own one or two stories. We have not achieved the list of Arabatur partners.
But after studying several property registers, business registers, corporate registers or websites, we can make sure that reality is different from what Perosanz, the head of Arabatur, says. Luxury Rental Apartments does not “one or two”, manages at least nine dwellings in the city, seven of them in the Casco Viejo – on behalf of the company, the owner or other persons linked to it. The company Luxury owns Gustavo Antépara Benito, councillor of pp in the City Hall of Vitoria-Gasteiz between 2016-2019 and member of the board of directors of the 21 Ensanche public society, which has since 2015 led the urban policy of Vitoria-Gasteiz. The relationship between Antépara and Perosanz comes from far away. Let's go step by step.
Buy and Turistify the Old Town
Luxury Rental Apartments was created in September 2020, but not from scratch, but as a result of the modification of the names and statutes of another company.
The Enea Editorial and Communications Group (GECE) was founded in 2007. Until then it was called Grupo Enea Editorial S.C. and was the commercial director of the editorial bilbaina Pilar Perosanz, according to his professional profile on the portal infojobs.net. The only administrator of GECE was Antépara, and the company’s work area was officially linked to media advertising. In November 2016 Antépara was appointed councillor of the City of Vitoria-Gasteiz to replace Javier Maroto. In his declaration of assets he stated that he was the sole owner of the GECE. However, in the new declaration he made at the end of the legislature in 2019, he stated that he had 50% of the GECE. Legal sources have explained to us that this change should be registered in the Commercial Register and there is no such information in the Register.
In July 2016, the Basque Parliament passed the Tourism Act, which addresses, among other issues, the regularization of homes for tourist use and rooms for tourist use. Although the implementation of this regularization was pending the development of a specific regulation, with the approval of this law there was a significant increase in the movements of companies and people who wanted to dedicate themselves to this type of business. Also that of the company in Antépara, although in principle the type of activities declared – advertising and publishing – does not have much to do with tourist housing.
Between February and October 2017, the GECE has released four homes in the Basque Government tourist housing register, two of them in the Casco Viejo, in the streets Zerkabarren, San Prudencio, Paseo de Arkupe and Cutlery. The property of Paseo de Arkupe was registered on property by Pilar Perosanz between those dates in June 2017. And in August was born the Arabatur Association, presided over by Perosanz.
Between May 2018 and March 2019, GECE and Antépa bought five homes and three storerooms in the Casco Viejo: GECE, with four dwellings and two cabins on the same portal of the street Pintor, property of the whole portal; Gustavo Antépara, second floor and storage room of the same portal of the street Knilería (host of the housing that he discharged in the Government register in October 2017).
Cross-interests of Arabatur and Antépa
After all these movements and purchases, in February 2020, Antépa’s interests were put at risk: The Local Government Board of the City of Vitoria-Gasteiz, composed of representatives of the PNV and the PSE that make up the Municipal Government, agreed to authorize the apartments for tourist use only in the first floors.
"When in May 2020 Arabatur registered his claim, he gave the address of Antépa's company"
Two months later, Arabatur submitted an allegation against this decision, and its content fully matches Antépa’s interests. Yes, the main requests of the allegation, that is, the authorisation to allocate any housing to tourism. But also requests that, if not accepted, full portals be permitted: Antépara owns all the dwellings of a Pintorería Street portal and only one of the three dwellings of a Knife Street portal is missing. Or perhaps it also has: until recently, the prestigious tourist accommodation website Gites offered three apartments for rent under the name of “Luxury Knileria”. This would mean that the company has the entire portal under control.
As regards the links between Arabatur-Perosanz and GECE-Antépa, there are several data. Perosanz was the commercial director of Grupo Enea Editorial S.C. before the company was called GECE. One of the touristic accommodations offered by the company Luxury for Rent (Paseo de Arkupe) is owned by Pilar Perosanz since June 2017. In October 2017, Enea discharged a tourist apartment in the register of the Basque Government: the email provided for the contact was GECE and the phone number of Pilar Perosanz. When Arabatur submitted its claim in May 2020, the address provided is that of the GECE headquarters.
We have contacted the President of Arabatur, Pilar Perosanz, by telephone on Friday, 28 May, in order to obtain information and to obtain his indications. In expressing his desire to ask some questions “for a report on the regulations of the tourist apartments of the Casco Viejo”, he asked that they be sent to the email address to “answer better”. “If the questions I know are correct, if I will not have to consult with the association’s attorney,” he said, without having or having asked for any specification of the content of the questions. When closing the report, Perosanz did not reply to your email.
From ‘Enea’ to ‘Luxury’
Gustavo Antépa has continued to deepen the tourist housing business despite the fact that the City Hall initially opposed its interests.
In September last year he made significant changes to the company: on the one hand, he changed his name Grupo Editorial y Comunicación Enea to Luxury Rental Apartments and, on the other, he changed his social object: “Hospitality activities, tourism services and, in particular, the exploitation of holiday homes and/or apartments and ancillary activities”. The only administrator remained the same: Gustavo Antépara Benito.
What is more: On the Luxury website, in addition to the homes we have rented so far, there are at least two more, in the streets Zapatagile and Hedagile. The web does not specify on which portals these dwellings are located and the links are not active. Perhaps because there has been no possibility of discharge in the register, as in February 2020 the City Council agreed to suspend the licenses and procedures until the final approval of the new regulations for tourist homes. On his website, no, but on another, at least, he has offered an unregistered apartment, as in the aforementioned Gites. Until recently, the website offered three apartments of the same portal on Cutlery Street. Also with Arabatur’s “seal” of recommendation. We cannot ensure that Luxury does not offer more housing anywhere else, nor that the company or Antépa do not have more property. On the one hand, the data of Vitoria-Gasteiz are divided into different property records, and for this report we have limited ourselves to searching for the data in the registry that houses the Casco Viejo. On the other hand, although this is usually the case, it is not mandatory to register in the Property Registry.
Private Companies and Public Entities
In recent years, Luxury Rental Apartments has accumulated homes in the Casco Viejo for tourism, and Arabatur has tried to adapt the regulations of tourist housing to facilitate the turistification.
"The movements of Antépara and Perosanz can condition the future of the Old Town of Vitoria"
In the same years, Antépara has been a pp councillor at the City Hall of Vitoria-Gasteiz between 2016 and 2019 (in the 2019 elections he was on the party list but was not elected). And, above all, it is, together with Miguel Garnica, one of the two representatives of pp in public society Ensanche 21, who directs the urban policy of Vitoria-Gasteiz since 2015. Ensanche 21 decides, among other things, on the policy of land, housing and housing rehabilitation in Vitoria-Gasteiz and the Casco Viejo. Even more so. The Directorate of Urban Management of the City Council proposed to partially estimate Arabatur’s claim based on the favourable opinion of the society: “As for Arabatur’s claim, it contrasts with the municipal urban society [Ensanche 21] (...) and the possibility of authorizing tourist housing in whole buildings is considered sufficiently founded and acceptable.”
Insufficient and distorted information
Antépa and Perosanz defend their interests. But for this purpose they have been presented as representatives of owners of “one or two floors”, when the Antepara has at least nine properties owned. As if that were not enough, Antépara 21 is a member of the board of directors of the Ensanche as representative of pp in the Basque Parliament. This position is especially noteworthy, as public society is the main decision-making framework for the city's urban policies. The Ensanche 21 has decided in the last decades the policies of housing rehabilitation in the Casco Viejo de Bilbao. The neighborhood associations have often criticized these policies, as others have dedicated themselves to subsidizing only those who have enough money to pay for them, and not precisely for the residents who live in the most disadvantaged homes for lack of money. This makes it easier for impoverished residents to leave the neighborhood and for people who have money to buy their homes at a cheaper price. For example, to then turn to tourism, as seen in other cities. And the PP has also supported these policies in Ensanche 21.
The movements of Antépara and Perosanz can influence the future of the Old Town of Vitoria. They are the ones who have taken the flag of the location of the neighborhood, and the City Hall has partially approved Arabatur’s claim, giving these arguments a good one. On the contrary, the scarce decision that the institutions give to the neighbors in the decisions affecting the neighborhood is a complaint that has been repeated for decades in the Casco Viejo de Vitoria-Gasteiz. Information and debate on housing placement have also been scarce. And also, as we see, it's sometimes been disfigured.
First of all, in the Casco Viejo a large number of people have been organized in recent months against the turistification of housing. Why?
The blinds of the turistification
Experience has already shown what happens in places where there are no narrow limits to housing placement. Owners of homes for traditional rent tend to move to renting for tourists, or to sell to large companies and investors in the sector, as is the case in the Casco Viejo. Sometimes in self-interest, sometimes in pressure. These transformations have serious consequences in neighborhoods such as the Casco Viejo de Vitoria-Gasteiz.
On the one hand, the number of homes for rent is reduced and the price is increased. In the neighbourhood of the city where there are more neighbors (23%) who are forced to live for rent due to a lack of income. In addition, the homes in which the neighbors live would be filled with tourists who do not stay in the neighborhood, seriously jeopardizing community networks and neighborhood dynamics. For a more in-depth analysis of the consequences of the turistification you can go to the report Turistification of homes, Casco Viejo in order not to rehabilitate them (ARGIA, nº 2698).
"It's not too late to change, because the decision remains in the hands of the City Hall. It has not yet responded to the 136 claims made by neighbours against the decision to authorize the posting of full portals."
Turistification risks; vecindad guarantee
Policies on the touristic use of housing require a profound debate: the social and neighborhood models, the consequences of the turistification, the ways of making decisions, the decisions. An essential debate today in the Casco Viejo de Vitoria-Gasteiz, knowing how the tourist housing is being promoted. And that goes beyond the Arabatur Association and the Luxury Rental Apartments company, which will come later and later: The newspaper El Correo gave last May 15 the number one cover to the news: “A German group has planned 33 tourist apartments in the Palace of Álava, Velasco.” It is a palace of the Casco Viejo (others) abandoned for decades, which was occupied by the feminist movement of Vitoria-Gasteiz in December 2018 and evicted three months later by the Municipal Police.
It is not too late to change, as the decision is still in the hands of the City Hall. It has not yet responded to the 136 claims made by the neighbours against the decision to authorize the posting of full portals. And the new rules still need to be ratified in plenary. There is time and opportunity to meet the demands of the neighbours, so far there is no political will. In any case, the best guarantee to create other “wills” in the city hall, as in decades, remains the neighborhood and the citizen movement.